Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost? Can I pay with cash, check, health insurance, or Medicaid?
We prefer that patients pay with credit or debit cards. If you don't have a bank card, you can purchase a Visa gift card for payment. Please note that we currently do not accept health insurance or Medicaid. A Superbill will be issued after each visit, which you can present to most insurance companies for potential reimbursement.
What should I expect on my first visit?
Congratulations on taking the first steps toward recovery and regaining control of your life! During your induction appointment, you'll discuss your treatment options with a New Pathways provider and complete a patient intake information packet along with lab tests to assess your overall health. A personalized care plan will be created and shared with you during your intake interview. Based on your symptoms and medical history, a Suboxone prescription will be sent to your pharmacy on the same day.
Do I need to be in withdrawal before I take my first dose of Suboxone?
For best results, your system must be free of opiates and you should be in a state of moderate withdrawal. If you take Suboxone before moderate opiate withdrawal occurs, you run the risk of experiencing precipitated withdrawal (sudden extreme withdrawal). You can expect to feel better within 30-45 minutes after your first dose of Suboxone.
How often do I need to see my New Pathways provider?
Most patients use a monthly maintenance schedule once they become stabilized. Once you’ve stopped using the problem opioid, withdrawal symptoms or cravings have been eliminated, and side effects are minimized, you are considered stabilized . We will closely monitor your progress as your Suboxone dosage may need to be adjusted to specially meet your needs during this phase.
What do I do if I need help between visits?
We are with you every step of the way. If you need assistance, please call (251-298-8077) or email at
If you are having a health emergency, please call 911 immediately.
What medications to avoid while taking Suboxone?
Patients should not take antidepressants, sedatives, narcotic painkillers, sleeping pills, or tranquilizers while taking Suboxone. It is extremely dangerous to take benzodiazepines, like Xanax or Valium, while receiving Suboxone treatment. Benzodiazepines and Suboxone are both depressants that can cause impairment, unconsciousness, respiratory failure, coma, or even death if taken together.
Am I trading one addiction for another?
"No - with successful buprenorphine treatment, the compulsive behavior, the loss of control of drug use, the constant cravings, and all of the other hallmarks of addiction vanish. When all signs and symptoms of the disease of addiction vanish, we call that remission, not switching addictions."
The definition of addiction differs from physical dependence based on how the patient responds to the stimulus. Physical dependence is not life-threatening and can be controlled medically. Addiction is a damaging, life-threatening brain disease that affects behavior. When a patient transfers from an addictive dangerous opioid to a successful buprenorphine treatment plan, the addictive drug-seeking behavior subsides. This allows the patient to take control of their drug use without experiencing compulsive physical cravings.
Is my treatment confidential?
At New Pathways, protecting the privacy of individuals and their families is a top priority, and all records are kept strictly confidential. We believe every patient deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Our staff is committed to demonstrating care, empathy, and patience with patients at all times.